

 2021 年11 月「外国為替及び外国貿易法」(外為法)に基づく「みなし輸出」 における管理対象の明確化に伴い,大学・研究機関における教職員への機微技術 の提供の一部が外為法の管理対象となりました。
 これに伴い,公募に応募の際,「類型該当性判断のフローチャート」に基づく 「類型該当性の自己申告書」(様式1)の提出が必要となります。

In November 2021, with the clarification of the scope of control of “deemed exports” under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (“FEFTA”), a portion of the provision of confidential information must comply with FEFTA.
Technology provided by universities and research institutions to faculty and staff is FEFTA is subject to control. As a result of this change, faculty applications will also be subject to FEFTA controls.
When applying for this solicitation, you will be required to submit an Applicable Specific Category Determination Form in accordance with the Applicable Specific Category Determination Flowchart.
In addition, faculty members are required to submit a “Confirmation Form” at the time of employment.


(Form1)Declaration of applicable specific categories


  名古屋大学学術研究・産学官連携推進本部 安全保障輸出管理 事務局